Painting In Los Angeles Book Design
Coffee table book design showcasing Cameron Matthews artworks created from 2021-2022. Limited edition, printed 2022. 72 pages.
I always said that Los Angeles was the city of Lost Dreams – where dreams come to die. I have always said that and then I moved here in January of 2022 with a dream.
My dream is to make an impact through art. Not just any impact – I want people to feel and think and then feel and think again. I want people to question and get lost and be okay with not having the answer.
I want people to feel the raw emotion living in my artwork – pure emotion and feeling. Unplanned, unabashedly me, and predisposed to the chaotic nuances of our human experience.
I said, come see my journey and how I got out and moved on and pushed through. Watch my humanness. Watch the energy behind – watching, growing, feeding, pulsing. Join me in the deep connection that we all experience within and also around.
My dream is this connection, this drive of and to passion. Always and for everyone – not to get stuck, but to live, emote, wane, pulse, love. I dream that my life becomes art and my art becomes life. And I dream this for you too – pure, simple, deep, and romantic.
Life indistinctly flies by with no concern of our ‘now’. No concern of our concept of time or our dreams. With this knowledge we must decide how we will hold time still and how to not get lost. How will we make our dreams the present and not a future concept?
I do not know what your journey holds, but for now, I will be painting in LA.